Olubukola Oyewo And His Giant Stride Of 3 Years Representation

Since the 19th Century, representative government has gained momentum across the globe, and by the 20th century, African nations keyed into it. An electoral system where citizens vote to elect people to represent their interests and concerns is what is referred to as a representative government. Those elected meet to debate and make laws on behalf of the whole community or society, instead of the people voting directly on laws and other debates.


It is this representative government that was practiced in Nigeria even before the lowering of the Union Jack and hoisting of the Green-White-Green flag. From the first Republic till date, we have had elected representatives at various levels from the local government to the Federal government.


In this 9th National Assembly, the good people of Osogbo/Olorunda/Irepodun/Orolu Federal Constituency, made no mistake in electing their representative at the Green Chamber when they massively voted for Honourable Olubukola Oyewo. Since he assumed office, he has contributed significantly to improve the standard of living of the good people of his constituency and Nigeria at large.


Colleagues of Olubukola Oyewo stature in saner climes enjoy almost unlimited terms in the parliament given their wealth of experience and contributions to the nation’s development especially, their constituency.


When the rumour was rife that the Honourable Representing Osogbo/Olorunda/Irepodun/Orolu Federal Constituency in the Green Chamber of the National Assembly, Olubukola Oyewo had been denied the return ticket by his party, the All Progressives Congress for the 2023 general election, one thing that came to my mind was that the man may have failed to perform in his three years stay in the National Assembly. On a second thought, I decided it would be appropriate for me to do my investigation in order not to fall victim to the numerous political propaganda deployed by his political foes in an attempt yo bring him down.


My investigation truly proved wrong those that have conspired to deny him the second term on one hand and also those that have denied the people of his constituency the opportunity of being represented by a man who has done greatly well to justify the mandate that was given to him by his constituents.


Oyewo, popularly called Bukoy, since he took the oath of office in June 2019, has hit the ground running with laudable programmes that have benefited all and sundry in his constituency.


Because of the obvious associated benefits, to the people of his constituency and their socio-economic benefits, and the challenges that the people of his constituency have been going through, Oyewo moved the motion for the rehabilitation of the Osogbo -Ilobu-Ifon-Oyo boundary road which connects Osun to Oyo state and neighboring states like Kwara, to the glory of God and effort of Bukoy, the contractor was back on site then.


Also, as a result of the heavy downpour, sometimes in 2019 which caused 

damage to properties within his constituency, Oyewo moved a motion on the floor of the National Assembly that the government should provide support to those that were affected by the flood. Subsequently, various Erosion Control projects including Gboro Bridge at Ifon ; link bridge between Irepodun and Orolu Local Government; Tara Area as well as Faremi road in Osogbo/Olorunda Local Governments among others were executed. 


In the area of education, Hon. Oyewo has submitted a Notice of Bill for an Act to provide for the Establishment of the proposed Federal College of Education as well as University of Environmental Studies in his constituency.


In the area of infrastructure development, Oyewo facilitated the construction of an office complex for the National Directorate of Employment in Osogbo. He also facilitated the construction of many blocks of classrooms, which include, six blocks of classrooms at St Charles Grammar School, Osogbo; the Construction of 3 classrooms at United Christian Primary School, Erin-Osun; the Construction of 6 Classroom Block in Elesi, Community Primary School, Ifon-Osun, and many that time and space would not allow me to put in writing. All these classrooms were also furnished by efforts of this man of the people. 


Furthermore, he has facilitated the construction/rehabilitation of many kilometers of roads in his constituency that can be verified by naysayers. Among the roads facilitated by Oyewo are Jamb Test center off Ifón Road, Osogbo, Rehabilitation of Erosion control works in Irepodun street,Off Igbona/Oke Onitea Road in Olorunda Local Government area of Osogbo, Erosion control and rehabilitation in Faremi street, Osogbo, Erosion control and road rehabilitation in Isokan oluwa, Osogbo, and many other roads. The honourable has also provided motorised boreholes at Isale-agbara, Osogbo, Alekuwodo area, Sabo market among others. 

Public Sanitation facilities including bore holes located at Akin Deko market, Oke fia market, Igbona market, Elerin market , Olobu Palace, Olufon market are testimonies of the accomplishments of the Ifon born humble politician. 


In the area of human capacity development, Oyewo employed 41 aides across the 4 local Governments in his constituency which were drawn from all the interest groups and political parties in the constituency apart from numerous personal aides; facilitating 109 constituents into Federal Government Special Public works and N-Power, He has also secured jobs for many of his constituents in Federal Government Ministry, Department, Agencies, and higher institutions of learning.


Without belabouring issues, Oyewo has performed creditably well in the last three years which made his constituents one of the luckiest in this dispensation. It is however unfortunate that such a cerebral and progressive-minded lawmaker would be sacrificed on the altar of party politics.


Olubukola Oyewo is a good representative of his people and has done more than enough to justify his nomination as the candidate of his party. Truth must be told that the recent disappointing outing of the APC at the just concluded Governoship election can be linked directly to the undemocratic acts of certain leaders in the top hierarchy of the Osun state APC. Critical stakeholders of the APC should do the needful and save the party from further disgrace in the General elections by correcting their wrongs and carrying out the wishes of party faithfuls rather than forcing unknown people on party members.

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