Osun Gubernatorial Race: How Political Thugs Attacked  Rep Member, Amobi During Political Campaign In Kuta

 The federal lawmker Representing Ayedire Iwo and olaoluwa federal constituency at the national Assembly was nearly killed by stone hearted political thugs during his campaign for governor Adegboyega Oyetola second term in office.


Hon. Amobi Yinusa Akintola Member House of Representative representing Ayedire/ Iwo/ Ola-Oluwa Federal was narrating his ordeal when he was on a Constituency tour to ward meetings in Ayedire local government.

He alleged that some people sponsored by a politician in ileogbo including the Caretaker Chairman, Ayedire local government, Engr. 

Adejare, Otunba Oladejo, Supol Ajani, Dele Nafiu popularly called Adasoti mobilized hoodlums led by one Nureni Ajagbe to disrupted the meeting at Kuta ward 2 with dangerous weapons like Cutlass and guns.

Hon. Amobi expressesed shock that many of the supporters of governor Adegboyega Oyetola were injured with a number of his aids being hospitalized as a result of gun shot and machet cuts.

Hon Amobi called on the concerned stakeholders, Royal fathers and security personnel to swing into action to curtail the situation.

Expressing his sadness in the the evil act,the OLOWU of owu kuta in a tape going viral,maintained that the attack on Hon.Yinusa Akintola Amobi,his aides,and supporters of governor Adegboyega Oyetola is condemnable.

The Frontline royal father described those behind the devilish action as enemy of progress ,calling on security operatives to swing into action.

 we were made to understand that "we can not do anything as they have support of Engr. Adeleke olanrewaju ( aka) peculiar consult who installed Adejare Adigun as Council chairman In ayedire LG main council."

Hon.Amobi and Oba oyelude called on perpetrators of the evil act to embrace peace as the development of AYIWOLA and osun state should be Paramount for now.

They called on security agents to swing into action without delay and bring anybody culpable in the drasdastically act to book without further delay.

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