Uncontrollable Chinese Rocket Set To Reenter Earth This Weekend, But No One Knows Where It Will Crash


A large Chinese rocket that is out of control is set to reenter Earth’s atmosphere sometime late Saturday or early Sunday, according to experts and officials.

The rocket, which was launched in China in late April, is 10-storey tall and twice as heavy as a school bus, but no one is quite sure where or when.

The rocket launched a piece of the new Chinese space station into orbit on April 29 but then was left to hurtle through space uncontrolled until Earth’s gravity began pulling it back to the ground.

The 100 feet tall Long March 5B rocket, weighing 22 tons, is expected to enter Earth’s atmosphere “around May 8,” according to a statement from Defense Department spokesperson Mike Howard, who said US Space Command is tracking the rocket’s trajectory, CNN reports.

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