Determine the sex of your baby right on your bed

 Many people desire either a male or a female child, for one reason or the other. They are ready to spend fortunes to achieve their heart desires by seeking for assistance from specialists to make their dreams come true. But there is a method of determining the sex of our babies that is based on some understandings of our body that have some degrees of accuracies. And this method has around for quite some time now.

To start with, human cells most often contain 23 pairs of chromosomes with a set of 23 pairs from the father and the other from the mother. Twenty-two out of the twenty-three pairs are called autosomes while the twenty-third pair is the sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes determine the sex of the baby, so, understanding their behaviours and understanding ovulation can help couples to determine the sex of their babies.

The sex chromosome consists of the X and Y chromosomes. In most instances, a male individual biologically has one X and one Y chromosome (XY) while a female individual has two X chromosomes (XX). Thus, it is the presence or absence of Y chromosomes that determine the sex of the baby. So, during fertilization, a male child will result if the father contributes the Y-chromosome, since the mother, whichever way, has only X chromosomes to contribute.

The Y chromosome has a ‘male-determining gene,’ called the SRY gene that facilitates the formation of testes in the embryo and results in the development of all-male sex organs. So, when the SRY gene is absent or mutated, only female babies can be formed. The Y chromosome, of all the men alive today, is traceable to a hypothetical single male ancestor who likely lived around 300,000 years ago.

It is expedient now, to state that this method, being discussed, was developed by Landrum B Shettles. However, recent researches have negated many of his claims but many people still have successes using it. His assumptions are that the sperm carrying Y chromosomes are shorter-living, smaller and faster-swimming than those carrying the X chromosomes.

But, before going further, we need to understand the term ‘ovulation.’ It is part of the menstrual cycle of a woman.

It occurs when an egg is released from the ovary. In all women, it occurs four days before or four days after the midpoint of the menstrual cycle. Ovulation is usually heralded, in some women, by a small increase in vaginal discharge which often becomes clearer and more elastic and with a raw egg white-like appearance. Some of the signs of ovulation include tender breasts, increased sexual drive, light vaginal bleeding or spotting and one-sided abdominal discomfort or pain.

There are ways women can fairly determine their ‘fertile period,’ which is roughly about a week in a month. Also, after release, an egg is capable of surviving for 12 to 48 hours before it disintegrates.

Also, in most instances, the sperms can survive for between three and five days before it dies. So, the question now is, how can we use all these information to determine the sex of the baby?

Since the sperm bearing Y-chromosomes die faster than the X-chromosomes, it means, if a baby boy is desired, intercourse should be confined strictly to around the immediate days after ovulation, But, if it is a baby girl, then the further away from the day of ovulation the greater the chances of the child being a female, in so far, intercourse occurs within the window that the egg and sperms are still viable for fertilisation.

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