What does Fayose really want ?


Mr Ayodele Fayose, the former Governor of Ekiti state is indeed a politician of the rough and tumble stripe. He will blow hot today. He will play the role of the victim tomorrow.

There is indeed certain mercurial  instinct about him. He seems restless, full of intrigues and drama, virtually without subtlety, woven in a rough hewn, unpredictable license.

Fayose apparently enjoys and thrives in cultivating conspiratorial agenda against others. He is animated by storm, by furies , by abuse and largely indecorous largeness. 

When Fayose was Governor of Ekiti state, he played the role of an overlord, barking out orders, intolerant of opposition, indifferent to the contributions of the Ekiti Elders. Why is he now challenging an incumbent Governor who is kind hearted and liberal enough to accommodate all views. Is it envy ? Is it malice ? Only Fayose knows his own mission.

Ordinarily , we would have ignored Fayose  and his juvenile antics.  But no more. He has now pushed his luck beyond the bounds of acceptable civility. 

Our grapple with him presently is about his cowardly, untidy , venomous and even insidious action in the Southwest. He is doing everything he can to disrupt the calm and the peace in our zone. 

His main target in this regard is Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo state. Governor Makinde is indeed a gentleman. He is a humble, civilized, well raised, thoroughbred Ọmọluabi of the first order. Though he is now the leader of the Southwest by the virtue of his position and office, he appreciates and accommodates the contributions of the young and the old. He embraces everyone in order to bring an enduring harmony to our zone.

But the humility, the natural restraint and the gentlemanly thoroughness of Governor Makinde is being mistaken and deliberately distorted by Fayose for weakness.

Yi yọ Ẹkun, ki ṣe ti ojo o."

Fayose has forgotten that he  is now a yesterday’s man. He no longer sits in the governor’s office. He holds no official position. If he  had been smart and wise, he would  have chosen the path of honor and moderation by joining hands with Governor Makinde and various Elders and Stakeholders in the Southwest to contribute to the new vision of progress and harmony in our zone.

But that is not Fayose. He is busy provoking confusion, sowing the seeds of discord, planning conspiracies, rousing tension, stirring rebellion to destabilize the Southwest. 

Fayose’s politics is acrimonious, full of malice, rough-hewn, distant from civilized conduct, selfish, insincere, wrapped in flaming  the embers of division and hate.

Of course he will fail. And he has already failed. He is a man of straw, clamoring for relevance, standing on a thin ice, unaware that he is the one susceptible to a fall.

Fayose presently disrespects all the Elders and the Stakeholders in the Southwest. He antagonizes everyone. He abuses leaders with the disdain of a street urchin. He once abused former President Obasanjo openly at the Okuku home of former Governor Oyinlola in the presence of many dignitaries that included  former President Ibrahim Babangida.

Let truth be told : Fayose is playing a very dangerous game of a muddled provocateur whose agenda is only best known to him. But surely this is not a PDP’s agenda.

We are using this open forum to urge the managers of our party in Abuja to look  keenly with all seriousness and scrutinize the various untoward activities of Fayose with the view to take appropriate action against him for his continuous, reckless and very destructive anti-party activities.

Fayose’s shenanigans do not portray a man who wants the best for our party. He appears bent on some unholy, unknown, dubious and deleterious mission.  Is this what our party wants at this particular time when all hands should be on deck to rebuild and mend the broken places ? Definitely not.

PDP in the Southwest, in all the zones and at the national level should be busy looking inwards, examining our last failings and challenges, rectifying the wrongs and healing the wounds. Fayose’s mode of destabilizing, crude, conspiratorial politics is surely not in tune with the future of our great party. He should be cautioned  to withdraw from the dangerous precipice.

Finally, on our part , we will continue to support Governor Makinde as he genuinely moves ahead to bring peace to our zone, embracing everyone, encouraging plural contributions, reaching out to all the Stakeholders so as to strengthen our party  and put us on the path of victory again. This is quite laudable and worthy of admiration. We stand with Governor Seyi Makinde because it is the right and proper thing to do. On this, we have no apologies because the Governor is progressive and forward looking. 


Elders, Stakeholders and BOT members in the Southwest.

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